Emergency Dentist

Emergency Dentist for Sacramento

If you are dealing with any of a number of dental emergencies, our experienced team is here to provide the urgent care you need to alleviate pain, address the issue, and get you back to feeling like yourself again.

Emergency dental patient in pain near GT Dental Studio

What is considered a dental emergency?

A dental emergency can include any sudden or severe dental problem that requires immediate attention to prevent further damage or alleviate pain. Common dental emergencies include:

  • Severe tooth pain or sensitivity
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Knocked-out teeth
  • Loose or missing dental restorations (such as fillings or crowns)
  • Abscesses or infections
  • Uncontrolled bleeding

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek emergency dental care right away to avoid further complications and address the issue before it becomes more severe.

Child in dental pain seeking emergency care | GT Dental Studio

Emergency dental care services

We offer a wide range of emergency dental care services to address a variety of dental emergencies, including:

Pain management

We can provide immediate relief from severe tooth pain or sensitivity using medication or other techniques to help you feel more comfortable.

Dental restorations

We can repair or replace broken, chipped, or missing teeth using a variety of dental restorations, including fillings, crowns, and bridges.

Tooth extractions

If necessary, we can perform tooth extractions to alleviate pain and address the issue at the source.

Root canal therapy

For more severe cases, we can perform root canal therapy to remove infected tissue and save the tooth.

Why choose GT Dental Studio for your emergency dental care?

At GT Dental Studio in Sacramento, we understand the importance of timely and effective emergency dental care. Our team of experienced dental professionals is dedicated to providing prompt, compassionate care to address your dental emergency and get you back to feeling like yourself again.

We use the latest dental technology and techniques to provide the most effective and efficient emergency dental care possible. We also take the time to explain your treatment options and help you make informed decisions about your dental care.

Stop suffering. Call us for emergency dental care.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, don’t wait – contact GT Dental Studio right away to schedule your appointment. We offer flexible scheduling options and will do our best to accommodate your urgent dental care needs. Let us help you alleviate pain, address the issue, and get back to feeling like yourself again.

Schedule an Appointment

Take charge of your dental health and wellbeing. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Tchamba at GT Dental Studio.